Implementation of Restorative Justice In Criminal Justice System
Restorative Justice, Loss, justice for victims and perpetratorsAbstract
Today's society wants a judicial system that is fast and easy, and efficient where withRestorative Justice, crimes that are classified as minor can be resolved by fast and
efficient justice without prioritizing punishment, but the presence of Restorative
Justice prioritizes losses arising from victims, which prioritizes amicable settlement
and provide a sense of justice to the victims and perpetrators. In the criminal justice
system in Indonesia, we know that the justice that has been taking place in the justice
system is retributive justice, law enforcement still leaves various problems to be
solved, the sense of justice expected from law enforcement cannot be enjoyed in this
country. The criminal justice system only focuses on the perpetrator and does not
regulate much about the victim. While what is expected is restorative justice, namely
justice that results in a process in which all parties involved in a criminal act together
solve the best problem for the recovery of victims and perpetrators.
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C. Website diakses tada 15 Desember 2021