Consumer Protection for Online Loan Agreements Application Based: The Role of the Financial Services Authority


  • Wachid Yulianto Universitas Pamualng
  • Abdul Hamid Universitas Pamualng
  • Syahputra Universitas Pamualng
  • Maulana Universitas Pamualng
  • Dewi Noviyanti Universitas Pamualng



Due to the extremely quick technical advancements, the rise of the digital economy will undoubtedly generate a new environment for industrial activity whose effects are already being felt by society. The community is highly appreciative of this technical progress in addition to the various adjustments. Loans are the primary source of revenue for financial institutions. People frequently discuss borrowing, particularly financial borrowing. The economy depends heavily on financial institutions. Financial institutions now have a more important role as a result. Bank financial institutions, non-bank financial institutions, and financing institutions are the three types of financial institutions. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is a continuation of the government's involvement in the financial services sector in the area of financial technology (fintech). In addition to the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 77/POJK.01/2016, which has not given customers legal clarity, Indonesia's personal data protection law is still not being applied properly. This rule is still open to misuse because of the Financial Services Authority's broad latitude in how it treats internet lenders.


Keyword: Financial Services Authority, Consumer Protection, Online Loans


