Legal Aspects Of Illegal Wildlife Trade And Obstacles To Law Enforcement


  • Werdiningsih Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Indonsia is home to endemic animals, both protected and unprotected, but the number of rare animals in Indonesia is getting smaller and the population is decreasing, one of which is due to the illegal trade in wildlife at home and abroad, involving other citizens through syndicate networks. This study examines the causes of the rampant illegal wildlife trade, to find out the legal aspects of illegal wildlife trade, identify barriers to combating illegal wildlife trade, and recommend prevention and enforcement. Using normative juridical research methods with qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study related to factors causing the rise of illegal wildlife trade due to economic, environmental, weak regulation and low sanctions imposed on criminals. Indonesia has ratified CITES and issued regulations both law and PP, as a follow-up cites for technical arrangements related to the trade of plants and wildlife has been issued by the Decree of the Minister of Forestry. There are three aspects of law related to illegal wildlife trafficking, namely criminal, administrative, and money laundering criminal aspects. In addition, the absence of a comprehensive legal framework for the handling of illegal wildlife trade in conjunction with TPPU resulted in limited jurisdiction of investigations, prosecutions and enforcement of sanctions for perpetrators associated with TPPU. Solutions that must be done are evaluation and regulatory changes, more intensive coordination between institutions and expanding international cooperation.

Keyword : Legal Aspect, Ilegal Trading, Wildlife, Transnational


