Akad Jual Beli Transaksi Online pada Aplikasi Shopee Food dalam Perspektif Fikih Muamalah


  • Maria Ulfa Universitas Pamulang




Fiqh Muamalah, digitization, shopee food


At present we have entered the 4.0 era or what is often referred to as the digital era, where every effort is made to switch to digitization with the aim of facilitating transactions, one of the paths to digitization is the buying and selling process (muamalah field). This is a challenge for Muslims to research all kinds of transactions that are currently developing, one of which is the Shopee Food service available on the Shopee application. There is a need for legal action to examine whether the transaction is in accordance with muamalah law. The method used in this research is legal research with qualitative analysis, with an approach using normative data. There are three types of contracts that occur in Shopee Food services in the Shopee application, namely leasing contracts, buying and selling contracts, and wakalah contracts. In general, transactions in the Shopee Food service in the Shopee application have so far been in accordance with what is stipulated in the Shari'a.


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