Efektifitas Penggunaan Metode Iqro pada Pembelajaran Al-Quran di TPQ Masjid Arrahman Villa Pamulang


  • Fathuddin Ali Universitas Pamulang
  • Kamil Falahi Universitas Pamulang




Effectiveness, Iqro Method, Read and Write Al-Qur'an.


One aspect of education that has received less attention is the education of reading the Koran. In general, parents are more focused on general education and pay less attention to religious education, including education to read the Koran. As a first step is to lay a strong religious foundation in children as a preparation for wading through life and their lives.

This study discusses: (1) How is the effectiveness of the Iqro method in improving the ability to read and write the Qur'an at TPQ Arrahman Villa Pamulang Mosque?, (2) what are the supporting and inhibiting factors for the effectiveness of the Iqro method in improving Al-Qur'an literacy 'an at TPQ Arrahman Villa Pamulang Mosque

This study aims to determine: (1) The effectiveness of the Iqro method in teaching Al-Qur'an reading and writing, (2) supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the Iqro' method in improving Al-Qur'an reading and writing at TPQ Arrahman Mosque Villa Pamulang .

This type of research is field research with data sources from the leadership of TPQ Arrahman Villa Pamulang Mosque, data documents. In collecting data using interviews, documentation, and observation methods. While the method of data analysis is descriptive qualitative.

The results showed that: (1) The Iqro learning method implemented at TPQ Arrahman Villa Pamulang Mosque was effective, indicated by the achievement of the following indicators: a. The teacher masters the material and conveys the learning material well, b. Students follow and understand learning well, c. The student scores are good and the achievements are satisfactory, (2) The supporting factors in the Iqro method are: a. students who will take lessons in reading and writing the letters of the Koran. With the presence of students in teaching and learning activities will run well, b. Teacher as the use of the application of the method so that it can work well, c. The time allocation used in this activity is determined by a schedule so that in the use of this very short time it will be carried out as effectively as possible. In addition to supporting factors, there are also factors that hinder the course of the Iqro learning method, namely: a. The condition of students and various backgrounds affect the teaching and learning process, b. Teachers are required to improve the quality of their abilities, namely mastering science, skilled in teaching.


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