Pentingnya Makanan Sehat Halal Lagi Baik Perspektif Islam Untuk Ibu Hamil (Studi kasus di Desa Penyambaran Kecamatan Karang Intan Kabupaten Banjar)


  • Mailita Mailita Universitas lambung Mangkurat



Halal food, pregnant women, Islamic


This research aims to look at the importance of healthy, halal and good food from an Islamic perspective for pregnant women (case study in Penyambaran Village, Karang Intan District, Banjar Regency). This is because it is very important for pregnant women to provide nutritional intake for their babies in the womb. Data were collected using interviews and observations, then the data obtained was analyzed and the results were described in a qualitative descriptive manner. The results of this research show that the Islamic version of the choice of nutritional intake for pregnant women means that Islam really pays attention to the health condition of pregnant women, which is explained by Islam as giving attention to the fetus from the time it is in the womb. This aims to ensure that the baby to be born has a strong and healthy body. So that he can really provide the best conditions for the baby until it is born. Among Islam's concerns regarding the diet of pregnant women is the ability for pregnant women to break their fast during the month of Ramadan, if they are worried about the fetus. As Islam also allows breastfeeding mothers not to fast, if they are worried it will have a bad effect on the child. Choosing halal food that is good for pregnant women plays a very important role in getting through the trimester of pregnancy, one of which is by looking at the nutritional content that will be consumed.


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