
  • Fajar Ramadoni IAKSS Muara Bungo
  • Ade Sofa IAKSS Muara Bungo
  • Joko Susanto IAKSS Muara Bungo,
  • Abu Bakar IAKSS Muara Bungo,




Keywords: Optimization, Islamic Spiritual Development, Penitentiary


This study aims to determine the optimization of Islamic spiritual formation programs,

inhibiting factors and efforts made to overcome obstacles in Muara Bungo Class IIB

Penitentiary. The method in this study is a descriptive qualitative method with a

population of all employees of Muara Bungo Class IIB Penitentiary and all prisonassisted residents, as well as an analysis unit totaling 13 people. This study used a

sampling method, namely purposive sampling. The results of this study show that the

optimization of the Islamic spiritual formation program has run according to the rules of

the Decree of the Director General of Corrections Number: PAS-10. OT.02.02 of 2021

concerning the inmate coaching assessment system. However, there are still inhibiting

factors in its implementation, namely the lack of human resources such as the lack of

coaching officers and the ideal conditions of security officers. In addition, the inhibiting

factor is also caused by excess occupancy capacity (over capacity) so that this has an

impact on limited facilities and infrastructure. To overcome these obstacles, the efforts

made by Muara Bungo Class IIB Penitentiary are to collaborate with external parties in

teaching staff assistance and socialization with an attitude and behavior change

approach, then to overcome this excess capacity, scheduling and coaching strategies are

carried out for fostered residents who are divided into groups. As well as conducting a

coaching assessment that is useful to facilitate the management of integration rights, in

this case parole which is a solution to reduce overcapacity.

Keywords: Optimization, Islamic Spiritual Development, Penitentiary.


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