About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Focus and Scope of the "Engineering Journal of Implementing and Community":

  1. Community-Driven Engineering Projects: The journal focuses on research and articles that highlight engineering projects and initiatives driven by the needs and aspirations of communities. It welcomes contributions that demonstrate how engineering solutions are developed in close collaboration with community members to address their specific challenges and requirements.

  2. Sustainable and Ethical Engineering Practices: The journal emphasizes articles that delve into the ethical dimensions of engineering projects, promoting sustainable practices that prioritize social, economic, and environmental responsibility. Authors are encouraged to explore the long-term impacts of their work on communities and the planet.

  3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The journal encourages submissions that showcase successful examples of interdisciplinary collaboration in engineering. These can include partnerships between engineers, social scientists, policymakers, community organizers, and other stakeholders. The focus is on how diverse perspectives and expertise contribute to the success of community-driven projects.

  4. Technology for Social Good: Manuscripts that explore how engineering and technology can be harnessed for the betterment of society and communities are welcome. This includes articles that discuss the development and implementation of innovative solutions addressing pressing societal challenges such as access to clean water, renewable energy, healthcare, education, and more.

  5. Impact Assessment and Lessons Learned: The journal seeks contributions that provide rigorous impact assessments of engineering projects in real-world settings. Authors are encouraged to share both successes and challenges faced during the implementation process and to draw valuable lessons for future projects.

  6. Policy and Advocacy: The journal welcomes articles that discuss the role of engineering in influencing public policy and driving positive change at the community level. Authors are encouraged to analyze how policymakers can better support community-driven engineering initiatives and promote inclusivity and social justice.

  7. Case Studies and Best Practices: The journal aims to provide a platform for detailed case studies that showcase best practices in community-driven engineering projects. These studies should provide practical insights and guidance for other engineers and community leaders interested in implementing similar initiatives.

  8. Global and Regional Perspectives: The journal seeks contributions from diverse geographic regions, as well as articles with a global perspective on community-driven engineering. By showcasing a wide range of experiences and cultural contexts, the journal promotes cross-cultural learning and collaboration.

  9. Communication and Engagement Strategies: Manuscripts that explore effective communication and engagement strategies between engineers, community members, and other stakeholders are encouraged. These articles can offer insights into building trust, fostering meaningful dialogue, and ensuring community ownership in engineering projects.

  10. Review Articles and Thought Leadership: The journal invites review articles and thought leadership pieces that provide critical reflections on the state of community-driven engineering. These articles should stimulate discussion, identify emerging trends, and propose novel approaches for enhancing the positive impact of engineering on communities.

In summary, the "Engineering Journal of Implementing and Community" serves as a platform for disseminating research and practical experiences that promote community-driven, sustainable, and ethically responsible engineering practices. By focusing on projects that empower communities and foster interdisciplinary collaboration, the journal contributes to the advancement of engineering solutions that address the real needs and challenges of people worldwide.

Peer Review Process

1. Articles published in EJIC (Electrical Journal of Implementing and Community) are reviewed by bestari partners.

2. Journal review applies a double blind review system.

3. Screening for plagiarism of manuscripts that enter theĀ EJIC (Electrical Journal of Implementing and Community) is carried out using an editorial and reviewer system as well as assisted by checking on Turnitin.

4. In conducting a review, the reviewer considers: topic novelty, objectivity, methods, scientific impacts/implications, conclusions and references. Choose one of the final recommendations, namely:

  • Accept Submissions. Received an article without any revisions given
  • Revisions Required. Provide revisions without having to re-review. After the writer revised the manuscript, it immediately proceeded to the editing process.
  • Resubmit for Review. Provide revisions and after the author has revised the manuscript is reviewed again.
  • Resubmit elsewhere. The manuscript is rejected and it is recommended to be submitted to other journals.
  • Decline Submissions. Rejected post due to unqualified quality.
  • See comments. Revisions are needed according to the reviewer's suggestions (in the form of recommendations)

5. Acceptance of an article by the Editor depends on the novelty of the research, the significance of the article, the correctness of the content, the level of originality, the clarity of the description, and its suitability for the purpose of the journal.

Publication Frequency

EJIC - Engineering Journal of Implementing and Community is published biannually (issued in September and March).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Journal History

Jurnal mulai terbit di Volume 1 No 1 pada bulan September 2023