About the Journal

Focus and Scope

ESIT adalah Jurnal E-Bisnis , Sistem Informasi , Teknologi Informasi ,   yang diterbitkan program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Pamulang,  versi Elektronik  dan Cetak , terbit 2 kali dalam satu tahun. ESIT merupakan publikasi ilmiah baik berupa konseptual paper maupun hasil penelitian lapangan . Diharapkan ESIT dapat mejadi media bagi akademisi dan para peneliti , serta mahasiswa sebagai luaran hasil untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiahnya dan menjadi sumber referensi bagi pengembangan ilmu dan pengetahuan Bidang Teknologi Informasi.

Focus and Scope

Jurnal ESIT  (Journal E-BUSINESS, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) aims to provide scientific literatures specifically on studies of applied research in information systems (IS)/information technology (IT) and public review of the development of theory, method and applied sciences related to the subject. The journal not only facilitates local researchers but also international researchers to publish their works exclusively in English

The journal's scope includes but not limited to the following fields:

  • Content-Based Multimedia Retrieval
  • Cultural Heritage Applications
  • Data Mining
  • Distance Learning
  • E-Business/E-commerce
  • E-Government
  • E-Health
  • Enterprise Architecture Design & Management
  • Geographic Information System (GIS)
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Information Assurance & Intelligent
  • Information Security & Risk Management
  • IS/IT Operations Management
  • IS/IT Organization & Human Resource Management
  • IS/IT Strategic Planning
  • IT Governance
  • IT Investment Analysis
  • IT Project Management
  • Web Science
  • Social Media in Business
  • Multimedia Application
  • Big Data Research
  • New Technology Acceptance and Diffusion
  • Green Information Systems
  • Innovation Management/Technopreneurship

Peer Review Process

All articles will be critically read by at least two reviewers without revealing the author's identity and the reviewer's identity to each other following the double-blind peer review process.
The reviewers are selected for their competences in the subject area of the article.
Acceptance of the article will depend upon its scientific merit and suitability for the Jurnal Sistem Informasi (Journal of Information Systems).
An article may be accepted in its original form, subject to revision, or rejection.
The reviewers' (and editor's) suggestions will be conveyed to the author, who will then have an opportunity to revise the article. 
A manuscript returned to an author for revision can be held for a maximum of eight weeks. 
The cost of language editing service is currently free.
All submitted articles will be checked for their originality by means of iThenticate.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself.

Publication Ethics

I. Research Misconduct Policy 
The purpose of this policy is to prevent any misconduct related to research conducted for the journals and to suggest the fundamental principles and structural procedures in relation to research integrity deliberation required to ensure research ethics.
II. The range of research misconduct
Research misconduct suggested in this policy pertains to fraud and refers to data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and improper authorship.
  1. "Fabrication" refers to any act involving the creation of false information about non-existing data or findings. 
  2. "Falsification" refers to artificial manipulation of the research materials/equipment/process or randomly modification/deletion of data resulting in distorted research contents or research results. 
  3. "Plagiarism" refers to acts of pirating others’ ideas, research contents, and research results without justifiable approvals or quotations. 
  4. "Improper authorship" refers to cases where the person who has contributed to research contents or research results is scientifically and technically unqualified as an author or where someone who has not contributed to the research contents or research results scientifically and technically but has been listed as an author merely to express gratitude or courtesy.
  5. Intentional acts to disturb a fraud investigation about themselves or others or the acts which can be harmful to informants. 
  6. Unfair evaluation regarding research of others or a disclosure or pirating of research ideas or research results acquired during the evaluation process. 
  7. Severely aberrant acts that cannot be accepted in the community of the field of scientific and technology. 
III. How does the journal address misconduct in the publishing process?
Editors and publishers have an ethical obligation to:
  1. Support the quality and ethics of the review process (pre-publication: weed out;  prevent)
  2. Ensure the correctness of the published literature (post-publication: correct; communicate)
  3. Educate (prevent)
Editors/journals have an ethical obligation to respond to and address ethical allegations that may arise about published papers or papers in review. Systems and procedures are in place for investigating and addressing situations of misconduct, including cooperation with investigations from institutions or funding bodies.
IV. How do editors address an allegation of publication misconduct?
  1. The first course of action is usually to contact and discuss the issue with the authors (and reviewers). 
  2. The author’s university, institution, funding agency, and/or government agencies will be notified.
  3. Investigation has typically been seen as the responsibility of research institutions and funding agencies; it is NOT usually the journal’s domain. 
V. Possible sanctions
If there is evidence of misconduct/fraud: 
  1. Prior to publication (during review): The manuscript can be withdrawn from review
  2. Post-publication (literature correction) The journal may publish Retraction, Note of Editorial Concern, Errata/Correction with the author or authors’ (some or all) signature or editorial of an appropriate statement about the situation.  
  3. Editors determine whether retract or correct after considering whether the case is fraud or an honest mistake. They consider the intent and then extent to which the data is incorrect/misleading
  4. Author may be banned from submitting to the journal.
  5. Editors may, in some cases, provide information for other editors/publishers.
  6. Editors may publish of an editorial in the journal to discuss the issue generally and raise awareness of the issue.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Sources of Support

Universitas Pamulang

Journal History

ESIT adalah Jurnal E-Bisnis, Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi,  jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Sistem Informasi  - Universitas Pamulang , terbit 2 kali dalam satu tahun. ESIT merupakan publikasi ilmiah baik berupa konseptual paper maupun penelitian lapangan. Diharapkan ESIT dapat mejadi media bagi akademisi dan para peneliti untuk mempublikasi karya ilmiahnya dan menjadi sumber referensi bagi pengembangan ilmu dan pengetahuan Bidang E-Bisnis, SIstem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi.