
  • Endin Fahrudin Universitas Pamulang



PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI HELPDESK MAINTENANCE DI PERUMDA AIR MINUM TIRTA KAHURIPAN KABUPATEN BOGOR. Sistem Helpdesk Maintenance merupakan sistem yang digunakan untuk memproses pengaduan dan layanan seperti kerusakan komputer layanan billing pada setiap cabang, kerusakan jaringan interner maupun intranet lingkungan cabang, kerusakan laptop dan server, dan perangkat yang menunjang pelayanan masyakat lainnyan. Kantor cabang adalah penyedian layanan sambungan air dan membayaran tagihan jika alat penunjang layanan berupa komputer dan jaringan bermasalah maka layanan kepada masyarakat terganggu, sehingga ketepatan dan efisiensi layanan waktu sangat diperlukan. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, Sistem |nformasi Helpdesk Maintenance Perumda Air Minum Tirta Kahuripan Kabupaten Bogor, kantor cabang dan pusat dapat melaksanakan pelayanan kepada pelanggan secara efektif. Sistem juga membantu kepala bagian, kepala seksi untuk memantau proses pengajuan perbaikan sebagai permintaan karyawan. Dan sistem berisi permintaan pengajuan perbaikan hardware dan software semua kantor cabang perumda air minum tirta kahuripan kabupaten bogor, pengguna sistem ini adalah adimin sebagai pengelola sistem,pengguna kantor cabang, pengguna kantor pusat, adanya pengelolaan pengajuan dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai pengajuan perbaikan yang dikerjakan atau belum dikerjakan. Setelah itu, teknisi mengelola kedua order dikerjakan dan belum dikerjakan, sistem informasi helpdesk maintenance bertujuan untuk membantu bagian teknologi dan informasi dalam proses pengajuan dan perbaikan. Sistem ini di rancang dan dibuat dengan menggunakan program Code Igniter dan Mysql database sistem.

Kata kunci: sistem informasi helpdesk, maintenance, perumda air minum tirta kahuripan, pengajuan


DESIGN OF HELPDESK INFORMATION SYSTEM IN PERUMDA AIR MINUM TIRTA KAHURIPAN KABUPATEN BOGOR. The Helpdesk Maintenance system is a system used to process complaints and services such as damage to the billing service computer at each branch, damage to the branch's internal and intranet networks, damage to laptops and servers, and devices that support other community services. The branch office is the provider of water connection services and pays bills. If the service supporting equipment in the form of a computer and network is problematic, then the service to the community is disrupted, so that timeliness and efficiency of service are very necessary. Based on the problems above, the Helpdesk Maintenance Information System of Perumda Air Minum Tirta Kahuripan Kabupaten Bogor, branch and head offices can carry out services to customers effectively. The system also helps the head of the section, the section head to monitor the process of submitting improvements as requested by employees. And the system contains requests for submitting hardware and software repairs to all branch offices of Perumda Air Minum Tirta kahuripan Kabupaten Bogor, users of this system are admins as system managers, branch office users, head office users, the management of the submission can be classified as a proposed repair that has been done or has not been done . After that, the Engineering manages both orders done and not done, the helpdesk maintenance information system aims to assist the technology and information department in the submission and repair process. This system is designed and built using the Code Igniter program and the Mysql database system .

Keywords: helpdek information system, maintenance, word-3, perumda air minum tirta kahuripan,submisson




How to Cite

Fahrudin, E. (2022). PERANCANGAN SISTEM HELPDESK MAINTENANCE DI PERUMDA AIR MINUM TIRTA KAHURIPAN KABUPATEN BOGOR. Jurnal ESIT (E-Bisnis, Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi), 17(3). Retrieved from

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