Analisa terhadap Efek Work Environment, Ethical Leadership, dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior Terhadap Employee Performance Perusahaan Manufactur di Cikarang.


  • Farhan Hamzah Harahap Universitas Trisakti Jakarta
  • Tiarapuspa . Universitas Trisakti Jakarta



Work Environment, Ethical Leadership, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Emplyee Performance


Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk Untuk menganalisis pengaruh work environment terhadap employee performance,ethical leadership terhadap employee performance, oganizational citizenship behavior terhadap employee performance. Rencana penelitain  yang digunakan dalam ulasan ini menggunakan pengujian spekulasi yang diharapkan dapat memahami konsep koneksi tertentu, atau menggambarkan kontras antara kelompok, atau otonomi setidaknya dua elemen dalam situasi yang sedang berlangsung. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam ulasan ini menggunakan pengujian spekulasi yang diharapkan dapat memahami konsep hubungan tertentu, atau menampilkan perbedaan antara kelompok. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 200. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi linier berganda . hasil penelitian ini di temukan bahwa terdapat adanya ada hubungan positif antara work environment terhadap employee performance.Hasil pengujian hipotesis terdapat adanya ada hubungan positif antara ethical leadership  terhadap employee performance.Hasil pengujian hipotesis terdapat adanya ada hubungan positif antara organizational citizenship behavior  terhadap employee performance


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the work environment on employee performance, ethical leadership on employee performance, organizational citizenship behavior on employee performance. The research plan used in this review uses speculative testing which is expected to understand the concept of a particular connection, or describe the contrast between groups, or the autonomy of at least two elements in an ongoing situation. The design used in this review uses speculative testing which is expected to understand the concept of a certain relationship, or show differences between groups. The sample used was 200. The analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study found that there is a positive relationship between work environment and employee performance. The results of testing the hypothesis show that there is a positive relationship between ethical leadership and employee performance. The results of testing the hypothesis show that there is a positive relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and employee performance..

Author Biographies

Farhan Hamzah Harahap, Universitas Trisakti Jakarta

Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Trisakti Jakarta

Tiarapuspa ., Universitas Trisakti Jakarta

Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Trisakti Jakarta


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