Omnibus Law at Model on Formulgatted of Law


  • NINING Universitas Pamulang


Law, Legislative, Legal Model


This study focuses on the integrated legal model in lawmaking, considering how this  approach can simplify and harmonize legal regulations in Indonesia. Omnibus law is a  legislative method that combines several existing laws into one comprehensive law. This  research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach, using primary and  secondary data from legal documents, government documents and interviews with legal  experts. The research results show that consolidated laws can increase the efficiency of the  legislative process by reducing redundancy and conflicts between different laws. In addition,  this model can speed up the implementation of economic and investment policies by  providing better legal certainty. However, the study also identified a number of challenges,  including the potential for a lack of public participation in the legislative process and the risk  of reducing the quality of hastily drafted regulations. In short, although omnibus laws offer a  potential solution to simplify complex legal systems, strong oversight and participation  mechanisms are needed to ensure that the legislative process remains transparent,  comprehensive, and accountable. Recommendations from this study include increasing  public participation and developing better standard procedures when designing  comprehensive laws, to maximize their benefits while minimizing associated risks


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