Effectiveness of Using Google Classroom-Assisted Articulated Learning Model on Learning Achievement of Class XI Creative Product Development and Entrepreneurship Subjects at SMK Bistek Cibinong


  • Aji Sukamto Putra Universitas Pamulang
  • Fika Rahmanita Universitas Pamulang


Google Classroom-assisted Articulation Learning Model, learning achievement


The learning model is an important factor in improving student achievement. The application of the Google Classroom-assisted articulation learning model in learning creative product development and entrepreneurship aims to determine:1) the average learning achievement of creative product development and entrepreneurship in the experimental class (XI TKRO) at SMK Bistek Cibinong is equal to the KKM of 75; 2) classical completeness on learning achievement of creative product development and entrepreneurship of experimental class students (XI TKRO) at SMK Bistek Cibinong is greater than 75%; 3) the difference between learning achievement of creative product development and entrepreneurship in the experimental class (XI TKRO) and control class (XI TBSM) at SMK Bistek Cibinong. This study was conducted using a quantitative research methodology. samples, using purposive sampling. The data-collection method used was a test in the form of questions. The hypothesis test of this research uses a one-sample t-test, one-sample binomial, and an independent-sample t-test. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) The independent sample t-test showed that the learning achievement of the subjects of creative product development and entrepreneurship in the control class (XI TBSM) was 64 and the achievement of the experimental class (XI TKRO) was 78.10, which means that learning achievement students who use the Google classroom-based articulation learning model are better than those who use the conventional learning model. (2) One-sample binomial output, where the experimental class has classical completeness above 75%, namely 81%, which means that the experimental class’s classical completeness exceeds 75%. (3) The output of the independent sample t-test is known to be sig 0.000 < sig 0.05 (5%), which means that there is a significant difference between the control and experimental classes. The key to this research is that the Google Classroom-assisted articulation learning model for creative and effective product development subjects is carried out through both face-to-face and face-to-face learning processes as usual on learning achievement in the subjects of creative product development and entrepreneurship class XI at SMK Bistek Cibinong.


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How to Cite

Putra, A. S., & Rahmanita, F. (2022). Effectiveness of Using Google Classroom-Assisted Articulated Learning Model on Learning Achievement of Class XI Creative Product Development and Entrepreneurship Subjects at SMK Bistek Cibinong. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 3(2). Retrieved from https://openjournal.unpam.ac.id/index.php/IJEER/article/view/25785