The Urgency of Teacher Digital Literacy during Limited Face-to-Face Learning (Study on Teachers at SMP PGRI 363 Depok)


  • Saiful Anwar Universitas Pamulang
  • Lodya Sesriyani Universitas Pamulang
  • Rusmaini Rusmaini Universitas Pamulang


Covid-19 has changed the learning process throughout the world, including in Indonesia, and online learning, which was originally only a complement to teaching and learning activities, has become an important necessity during the Covid-19 pandemic, As the


Covid-19 has changed the learning process throughout the world, including in Indonesia, and online learning, which was originally only a complement to teaching and learning activities, has become an important necessity during the Covid-19 pandemic, As the current pandemic ends, the world of education has changed its learning pattern into limited face-to-face meetings (PTMT), which is a combination of online and offline learning,  and it is necessary to have qualified digital literacy skills to avoid learning loss. This study uses a qualitative approach to see the urgency of digital literacy in the PTMT period with 5 teacher respondents at SMP (Junior High School) PGRI 363. Based on the results of the SITOREM analysis, it was found that the indicators of teacher digital literacy are priorities for improvement: 1) adjusting messages from digital devices according to the development of participants, 2) ethics and communication in the use of digital media, 3) selection of information obtained through digital devices, and 4) variations of reading materials and digital-based media in learning. Meanwhile, three other indicators must be maintained or developed: 1) intensity in the use of digital literacy in learning activities; 2) ease of access to the use of digital devices; and 3) providing an understanding of symbols, language, and video in digital media.


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