The Ideal Teacher of Online Business and Marketing in the Perspective of Students of Darul Ulum Vocational School Depok


  • Soffi Soffiatun Universitas Pamulang
  • Ian Permana Universitas Pamulang
  • Fiqoh Afriliani Universitas Pamulang


ideal teacher, student perspectives


Becoming an ideal teacher for students is the dream of every teacher. However, it is not easy for teachers to become ideal figure from the students’ perspective. There are four teacher competencies: 1) pedagogic competence, 2) personality competence, 3) social competence, and 4) professional competence to become an ideal teacher. There are still many teachers who students think are not ideal figures for them; therefore, this needs to be explored further through this research. Therefore, this study aims 1) to explore information about the ideal teacher profile for Online Business and Marketing of Darul Ulum Vocational School Depok City. 2) In this study, we used descriptive and qualitative approaches were adopted in this study. 3) Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation, 4) The data analysis techniques used in this study include data collection, data reduction, and conclusion drawing. 5) From the results of this study, it was found that Online Business and Marketing teachers are ideal teachers who have met pedagogic, social, personality, and professional competencies. 6) From the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the Online Business and Marketing teacher is able to understand students in depth; have the ability to choose approaches, strategies, and learning methods; have good maturity; have a patient, fair, sincere, and objective nature; faith, devotion, good character, and can be a model example for students; have the ability to inspire students; have the ability to motivate and build student confidence; and have the ability to communicate well and firmly.


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How to Cite

Soffiatun, S., Permana, I., & Afriliani, F. (2022). The Ideal Teacher of Online Business and Marketing in the Perspective of Students of Darul Ulum Vocational School Depok. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 3(2). Retrieved from