Analysis of School Efforts in Improving the Quality of Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic at MA Al-Muhtadi


  • Fanni Erda Tasia Universitas Pamulang
  • Nasmal Hamda Universitas Pamulang
  • Enok Nurhasanah Universitas Pamulang


Quality Education, Online Learning


The purpose of this study was to analyze the school's efforts to improve the quality of education during the Covid 19 Pandemic at MA/Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic Junior High School)  Al Muhtadi. This study is a type of qualitative research using a descriptive methodology. Descriptive research is a methodology that seeks to describe and interpret objects as they are. Data collection techniques used in this study included observations, interviews, and documentation. The results showed a decline in the quality of education at MA Al Muhtadi during the Covid19 Pandemic. This was seen in two indicators: academic and non-academic. Academically, there is a decrease in student learning outcomes because of a decrease in students' understanding of the learning material. Meanwhile, from the non-academic side, there was a decline in students' non-academic achievements because during this pandemic, various competitions in which students usually participated were abolished.

The school has made various efforts to improve the quality of education at MA Al Muhadi. The effort is to maximize the support provided by the government in the form of a special internet quota for the learning process. The second is an effective policy from the principal for the implementation of the learning process. Third, teachers should improve their performance during the online learning process. Fourth, cooperation between schools and parents can be increased so that parents can fully support online learning activities. Fifth, home visits for students who do not participate in online learning activities and students who do not have electronic devices to carry out the learning process (home visits).


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