Implementasi Manajemen Keuangan Yayasan Guna Menghasilkan Pendidikan Yang Bermutu (Yayasan Sayap Ibu Banten)
This Community Service is entitled Implementation of Foundation Financial Management to
Get Qualified Education. The activity was carried out at the Yayasan Sayap Ibu Banten from
May to June 2022. In improving the quality of education, teachers have a very important
position and strategy in developing the potential of students. Teachers play a big role in the
glory and safety of the nation’s future through inculcating noble basic values as the ideals of
national education by forming a physically and spiritually prosperous personality, which is
pursued through religious education and general education. The purpose of carrying out
community service activities is to provide counseling, assistance and a question and answer
process on the importance of implementing Foundation Financial Management to Produce
Qualified Education. The method of community service activities consists of three stages of
activity. The first stage is the preparation stage in conducting a survey of partner locations,
activity participants and preparing materials. The second stage is the implementation which
includes giving lectures on the implementation of
Foundation Financial Management to Produce Quality Education. The third stage is
evaluation, among others, to find out how deep the understanding of the training participants to
the material provided. The conclusion of this community service activity is that the Owners,
Leaders, Management and Teachers of the Yayasan Sayap Ibu Banten are enthusiastic in
accepting new knowledge and actively asking questions about how to implement the
Foundation's Financial Management to Produce Qualified Education.
Keywords: Implementation of Financial Management, Qualified Education