Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Penerimaan Bantuan Sosial Berbasis Web dengan Kombinasi Metode Smart dan Topsis


  • Yono Cahyono Pamulang University
  • Khaerul Ma'mur Pamulang University
  • Rengga Herdiansyah Pamulang University


Decision support system, SMART, TOPSIS,


The provision of social assistance for the community is one of the government's programs for poverty reduction in order to reduce the burden of living for poor families. In its distribution, it sometimes finds obstacles to providing assistance that is not on target. In the decision-making process to determine the criteria for recipients of social assistance in Lebak Bulus Village, South Jakarta, it is still carried out conventionally. In addition, the selection of prospective beneficiaries is carried out by observing one by one the completeness files of each prospective recipient of the social assistance package, then the file will be compared with other files and will estimate the prospective recipients of social assistance who are most deserving of social assistance packages aforementioned. In this way, it can slow down decision making in determining the recipients of social assistance, and it is even possible to have human error and partiality. To overcome these problems, a system is needed that can facilitate the selection process for recipients of social assistance to be more effective and efficient. Therefore, a decision support system is needed for the selection of social assistance receipts using a combination of methods (SMART) Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique and (TOPSIS) Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, in order to facilitate decision making for the acceptance of social rocks. The SMART method is a method for multi-attribute decision making and this method is used to support decision making in choosing several alternatives, while the TOPSIS method is a method that implies that the selected good alternative, not only has the shortest distance from the positive ideal solution, but has the longest distance from the negative ideal solution. The SMART method is used to obtain the results of weighting on each criterion, and then the results will be processed using the TOPSIS method to obtain the ranking of preference values. The results achieved by the existence of a decision support system for the selection of social rocks can produce faster and more accurate calculations in the selection of recipients of social assistance and are able to support decision making more objectively so that social assistance can be distributed on target.


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