
  • Adhitya Putri Pratiwi Universitas Pamulang
  • Sri Nitta Crissiana Wirya Atmaja Universitas Pamulang


The occurrence of a consistent decline in company value in the basic and chemical industry sector companies for the 2015-2019 period requires further studies on the factors that influence the decline. This study tries to examine the internal factors that are thought to affect the decline in company value in the basic and chemical industrial sectors. This study uses secondary data in the form of data obtained from the financial statements of companies in the basic and chemical industry sector with a total sample of 12 companies for 5 years and produces a total of 60 observations. The data collected was then processed using the statistical tool e-views 10 and it was found that the investment opportunity set had an effect on firm value, while tax avoidance practices and the firm's capital structure had no effect on firm value.


Keywords: Investment, Capital, Firm Value, Tax Avoidance


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