TEACHING SPEAKING USING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT (A Case Study at Eighth Grade of SMP Sebelas Maret, Pabuaran)


  • Julis Prasetyo, S.S.
  • Djasminar Anwar, Pg., Dipl., TEFL


This study was conducted to know how the process of teaching speaking using descriptive text implemented in junior high school, There were some steps done in the process of teaching speaking: by doing observation, using materials, doing activities, and finding the results in using descriptive texts in teaching speaking at eight class of SMP Sebelas maret Pabuaran, this study use qualitative methods in conducting this research. Data is obtained from observations in the learning process, interviewing teachers and providing a list of questions to the students. During the process of learning to speak by using descriptive texts, students have responded well and they really enjoyed each process through the teaching speaking using descriptive text. It concluded that using descriptive texts can be applied in the teaching speaking junior high school. It can be useful to improve the courage and self-confidenced in speaking English.          

Keywords. Speaking, descriptive, learning, results


