Focus and Scope

Paradigma Lingua, which is published three times a year (in April, July and October), is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles, as well as fresh ideas in language and literature studies. The journal covers all aspects relating to linguistics and literature, including but not limited to the following: 

  1. English Linguistics
  2. Applied Linguistics
  3. Discourse Analysis
  4. Critical Discourse Analysis
  5. Psycholinguistics
  6. Semiotics
  7. Stylistics
  8. Sociolinguistics
  9. Translation Studies
  10. Applied Translation
  11. Translation and Multimedia
  12. InterdisciplinaryTranslation 
  13. Post-colonial Literature
  14. Modern Literature
  15. Film Studies
  16. Children's Literature
  17. Cultural Studies
  18. Modern Culture
  19. Popular Culture
  20. Folk Culture.