Noun Phrase Analysis in the Short Story "The Ant and the Grasshopper"


  • Anita Sari Universitas Pamulang
  • Rizky Tazkiyatul Ummami Universitas Pamulang


One of the objectives of English study is comprehending the text. The basic skill that the students need is comprehending the phrase of each sentence before understanding the complex sentence. Noun phrases are often used either in written or in verbal communication. Phrases relate to words or a group of words which have no subject – verb pairing necessary to make a clause. A noun phrase is a group or words which act as a noun within a sentence. It can be either pronoun or any other group of words that can be replaced by a pronoun. The head word will be a noun or pronoun. This research analysis is focused on the analysis of noun phrase in short story “The ant and the grasshopper”. The aims of this study are to find out the types of noun phrase in children short story. The method employed in this research is a descriptive study, meaning that it describes the most dominant types of noun clause in sentences which found in the short story. This study adopted from the theory of Greenbaum & Nelson  (2002)who discussed about the structure types of noun phrase. The research will take place for the first semester and the writer as their lecturer in Basic grammar class. The writer will determine the modifier every noun phrase in it. Therefore, comprehending phrases is a key to be a fluent speaker of English. The result of this research focuses on how the students comprehend more about noun phrase and the types of noun phrase.

Keywords: noun phrase, types of noun phrase, short story


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