Haunting as Revenge: Female Rage in Kimo Stamboel’s Ivanna (2022)


  • Fazkia Dinar Azzahra Universitas Pamulang
  • Firyal Najwa Universitas Pamulang
  • Galuh Maharani Universitas Pamulang
  • Ravana Nur Universitas Pamulang


betrayal, folklore, horror, monstrous-feminine, revenge


Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage and folklore are deeply intertwined with ghost stories, which have significantly influenced the country’s horror film genre. Ivanna (2022), directed by Kimo Stamboel, explores the vengeance of a Dutch colonial woman’s ghost, reflecting themes of betrayal and historical injustice. This study examines how Ivanna represents the “monstrous-feminine,” drawing on Barbara Creed’s theory to analyze the depiction of female rage and societal taboos. Through qualitative analysis of the film’s narrative elements, this research highlights how Indonesian horror films often portray female ghosts as symbols of resistance against patriarchal injustices. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of gender representation and cultural narratives in Indonesian horror cinema.


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