TEACHING SPEAKING USING ROLE PLAY TECHNIQUE (A Case Study at the Eighth Grade of SMP N 17 Tangerang Selatan)


  • Eka Margianty


This study aims to investigate the best methodology in teaching Speaking using Role Play technique with regards to Communicative Language Teaching for grade eight at SMPN 17 Tangerang Selatan. By giving role play, the students were interested in doing speaking activities because the students were given a role by the teacher. Role play as one of the interesting activities is also help many shy students to speak with various topic and situation. The students may also create their own dialogue based on the topic given. The steps of collecting the data used in investigating were by observing the students activities in the class, interviewing the teacher and giving questionnaires based on the qualitative approach. It is hoped that the result of investigating the students speaking skills can be an overview and consideration of setting up good teaching and learning process in EFL speaking class. Besides mastering speaking skill, students must study three components of it, such as pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. Lacking of these components often cause some problems, moreover for foreign language students; they do not know how to express the sentences grammatically and the most common problem is they do not know how to pronounce the words correctly.


Key words: teaching speaking, role play technique, CLT, junior high school level


