Reduction of Harmonics for Induction Generator with Simulator Mini Pelton Microhidro Turbine


  • Syaiful Bakhri Pamulang University
  • M Toriqul Amien Pamulang University
  • Dwi Anie Gunastuti Pamulang University


Micro Hydro Power Plant as one of type of power generation that relies on water as the driving force for waterfalls or river flows. This generator produces harmonic waves where these waves are a distorted wave disturbance causing multiplication in the fundamental frequency. This study aims to find the best filter in reducing harmonics in an induction generator, two selected filter is chosen, i.e. Band Pass Filters and High Order Passive Filters as the harmonic damper. The Band pass filter able to reduce voltage harmonics without load, which is THDv 0.33% to 0.26% even though it is still far in the IEEE standard i.e 5%, and the band pass filter has no effect while the system connected with the load. The high order passive filter is able to reduce the harmonic wave with THD 67 % becomes THDi 0.0003% and THDv 0.40% to 0.17%.

Keywords — mini micro hydro simulator, harmonic reduction, induction generator, Total Harmonic Distortion


