Iklan Televisi Comercial Politeknik PALCOMTECH


  • Caroline Setiabudi Universitas Pamulang


Advertising, Television Comercial, Palcomtech


TV Commercial or abbreviated TVC is a publication in the electronic media in the form of advertising and film form. Television Advertising Comercial Politeknik Palcomtech, electronic information media used to influence the public or the consumer so as to get to know or find out information about the Politeknik Palcomtech. By using a visual concept that can menggungkapkan ideas or feelings by using the form of images, text, video, and so forth into a unit that has the aim of knowing the Polytechnic PalComTech. Software used to create the Politeknik Palcomtech Television Advertising Comercial namely Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Premiere. Scene Commercial Television Advertising on lectures at the Politeknik PalComTech.

