Dari Grammar ke Panggung: Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Public Speaking Siswa Melalui Telling Story


  • I. Aeni Muharromah Universitas Pamulang
  • Lida Holida Mahmud Universitas Pamulang


Good English language skills are essential in improving public speaking skills. Another aspect that supports is the mastery of correct grammatical rules is also a key so that the message conveyed can be clearly understood. Grammar mistakes often cause the message delivered to be less clear or even misleading. Therefore, a good understanding of English is an important basis for students to develop their public speaking skills. PKM UNPAM at Al-Ghozali High School aims to help students overcome grammar problems as the basis for developing public speaking with a text-based approach. This Community Service activity was carried out using the blended learning method: the participants were given material with several models of telling stories from SyirohNabawiah. The story text is associated with aspects of direct and indirect sentence grammar. Students were given several exercises with reinforcement of tenses in telling stories in addition to tips and tricks in public speaking skills in the task of delivering minutes. This approach is carried out as an exercise for students to present minutes (telling stories) PKM UNPAM hopes to increase students' interest and confidence in using English well and motivate students to continue to develop their potential.

