ANALISIS DAMPAK PENUNDAAN PEMILU 2024 (Studi Putusan Nomor: 757/pdt.G/2022/PN. Jkt.Pst)


  • Ahmad Kamil Assakiri
  • Gregorius Watu


Elections are a means of a country in running a democratic system. Elections are held in a direct,general, free, secret, honest and fair manner once every five years. This has actually been explained in the 1945 constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The emergence of the discourse of postponing the election will actually cause the state to lose the quality of the only product of reform, namely democracy. If the postponement of the election continues, it will have implications for the authoritarian government and abuse of power. This study will discuss the problems that arise if the implementation of the election is delayed and the extent of the conflict with the constitution. This research is in the form of normative juridical with descriptive-qualitative method. The data in this study were taken with primary materials, namely laws and regulations and secondary materials in the form of libraries. The results of this study found that the General Election is something that is essential which its implementation must be held, if there is a postponement of the election it will be contrary to Article 7 Jo 22E paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia is a democratic country, then one of the indicators in a democratic country is the rotation of power whose implementation is carried out through the implementation of elections. This means that the ideal concept of democracy must comply with the principles of periodic elections and the rotation of power. This then makes the issue of postponing elections contrary to democratic principles.


Keywords: constitutionality; democracy; general election.



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