Karang Taruna is an important milestone in youth management in the RW area. There are lots of activities carried out by youth organizations in an effort to carry out activities related to youth activities in the RW. Karang Taruna has a function to assist in the smooth running of activities or events in the RW environment. Partners in this program are youth organizations at RW 10 Permata Mansion, Depok City. The main problem faced by partners is that the leadership management of the youth organization is still not good. This has resulted in activities in the RW environment being less than optimally carried out by residents around RW 10 Permata Mansion, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. The existence of management that is still not good from the youth organizations at RW 10 Permata Mansion has a bad impact on the youth members in the neighborhood to carry out activities during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Many youth organizations do not have good leadership management so that there is no activity planning during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The existence of this poor planning has an impact on the uncertainty of activities that are usually carried out during normal times. This condition has caused teenagers or members of the public to not care about activities that should be carried out even during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Therefore, it is necessary to find the right solution to overcome the problems faced by youth organizations in the RW 10 Permata Mansion Region, Depok City, so that they can be resolved properly and appropriately. The effort that we want to do as a form of solving the problems faced by partners is to provide counseling to youth organizations at RW 10 Permata Mansion regarding the importance of leadership management in leadership management activities at the youth organizations. Not only that, we also offer solutions for partners by providing maximum assistance to all youth youth managers so that they can carry out their duties properly by making activity programs during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Keywords: Karang Taruna, Leadership Management, and RW 10 Permata Mansion Depok
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