
  • Yoyon M Darusman Magister Hukum Universitas Pamulang
  • Susanto Susanto
  • Bambang Wiyono
  • Ali Maddinsyah
  • Muhamad Iqbal
  • Kuncoro Damar Parikesit
  • Wiliyanto Wiliyanto
  • Fien Mangiri
  • Adri Akim
  • Jetter Wilson Salamony


The existence of a political party cannot be separated in the democratic system of a country and the formation of state institutions, because in its implementation political parties play a very important role, especially in the formation of cadres who will occupy important positions in the state. Due to the fact that until now, many political party cadres have had to deal with the law because they were involved in various cases that not only caused harm to the good name of the party cadres in office, but also reduced the public's view of political parties carrying officials, because the public could judge the majority of cadres from certain parties are cannot be trusted. In line with the existing political developments, and in conjunction with the implementation of Community Service (PKM) activities carried out by Pamulang University, postgraduate students and lecturers held political discussions about the extent of the role of political parties as forming pillars of the country's democracy. This relates to the extent to which political parties form cadres who fight for the rights of the community above personal interests and the interests of political parties in order to create a just and prosperous Indonesian society in accordance with the ideals of Pancasila and Constitution.


Keywords: Political discussion, Party cadres, Pillars of democracy


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