
  • Bambang Wiyono Magister Hukum, Universitas Pamulang
  • Yoyon M Darusman
  • Elvira Elvira
  • Ali Maddinsyah
  • Defruzer Defruzer
  • Nova Susanti
  • Edwin Aldrin
  • Keti Respati
  • Meigi Meigi


The existence of a brand is very important for SMEs. A brand serves as the identity of a product or service. Furthermore, brands can also be licensed or franchised so that they become a direct source of income in the form of royalties. Brands can also be a very valuable business asset and increase revenue, because the brand itself has an economic value that is directly proportional to the reputation that has been built. By looking at the benefits as mentioned above, it is fitting for every brand to be attached to goods/services. registered. However, low understanding and lack of education regarding trademark registration for the public are the main problems that cause people to be reluctant to register trademarks. In fact, legality can make a business more developed and avoid harmful disputes. In fact, often the protection of intellectual property, especially brands, is only taken care of after the product or business being run has been successful or has become famous. This principle is inappropriate because it has the potential to cause the name, logo, or product owned to be imitated by others and cause the business to lose its identity. The solution to overcome the low awareness of the public to register their trademarks is to carry out legal socialization involving all stakeholders from the government, academics, legal service providers, to the community itself. Through the involvement of various parties, the resolution of legal problems can be resolved. On this occasion, Community Service (PKM) activities were carried out in the Hall of the Office of Industry and Trade, Karawang Regency. The theme raised is the Socialization of Trademark Registration for MSME Actors. This activity is carried out with the aim of providing an understanding of the importance of trademark registration and the procedures for online trademark registration. Not only raising trademark registration from a technical point of view, resource persons will also explain about marks that cannot be registered and trademarks that are rejected, so that participants have an understanding of trademark registration from a substantive point of view, thereby reducing the possibility of the trademark being rejected or not being registered. The target participants are MSME business actors in the Karawang Regency area. In this case, cooperation is carried out with the Department of Industry and Trade, and local Cooperatives and SMEs in order to obtain the appropriate target participants.

Keywords: Registration, Brand, UKM


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