
  • Abd. Chaidir Marasabessy Universitas Pamulang
  • Nurdiyana Nurdiyana
  • Alinurdin Alinurdin


The Independent Learning Policy is an effort to form human resources who are ready to compete in the global era. This PkM activity aims to provide understanding to partners about an independent campus as a golden opportunity for students. Service activities are carried out through lecture and question and answer methods. The conclusion is that partners are able to understand about the independent student exchange program. From the evaluation results that have been carried out by the service team, data obtained that all participants gave an assessment on a scale of 3 (satisfied) and a scale of 4 (very satisfied). From the total number of participants who took part in the socialization activities, it was noted that 8 people gave an assessment on a scale of 3 (satisfied) and 17 people gave an assessment on a scale of 4 (very satisfied). Thus, it can be said that of the seven indicators (statements) included in the questionnaire, participants gave an assessment on a scale of 4 or "very satisfied" so that it can be concluded that 100% of participants have understood the material provided by the service team. The results of interviews with 5 students as participants showed that the participants were very happy with the socialization activities carried out because this activity was very beneficial for partners in participating in the independent campus program.


Keywords: independent campus, opportunity, students.


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