
  • Hadi Supratikta Universitas Pamulang
  • Sachro Yusuf
  • Mukhlis Catio


Sukarame Village, Pandeglang - Banten. Moreover, Sukarame Village, Pandeglang - Banten has been chosen as a Tourism Village by the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Tourism with all the potential possessed by Sukarame Village, Pandeglang - Banten. Therefore, entrepreneurs who are able to explore the potential of the local area are needed. Existing business ventures need to be improved and involve more actors. This causes efforts to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit is very necessary. One of the efforts that can be made to increase the products produced by MSMEs in Sukarame Village is to add variations of processed products. This training aims to provide knowledge to the community/small-scale business actors in Sukarame Village regarding the diversification of processed products and to provide knowledge to the community/small-scale business actors in Sukarame Village regarding small-scale/household-scale business management. The method used is in the form of training through counseling or lectures, discussions and training on product manufacturing/processing practices.

Keywords: Diversification, Differentiation, MSME’s 


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