
  • Susanto Susanto Magister Hukum, Universitas Pamulang
  • Kartono Kartono
  • Samuel Soewita
  • Budi Kristian
  • R. Sri Wahyu Budhoyo K
  • Adison Adison
  • Erni Andriani
  • Aji Saputra
  • Arman Yuwono


Underage marriage is a marriage carried out by a couple of teenagers who are still young. The purpose of this PKM is to provide an understanding of the factors that encourage marriage of minors in the era of the covid-19 pandemic and to describe the impact of child marriage and also to explain solutions for preventing child marriage in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. 19 in Karawaci District. The results showed that the factors that caused the marriage of minors in the era of the covid-19 pandemic, including economic factors where children chose to marry young because of the lack of family economy so they were unable to continue their education and chose to marry at a young age. young, the factor of the willingness of children who choose to marry of their own accord and there is no coercion from their parents, the factor of education where the lack of education of children and parents makes parents marry off their children at a young age and children marry young without thinking about what things will be done after marriage, the factor of getting pregnant out of wedlock where there are some teenagers who choose to marry young because they have been pregnant first. The impact that arises from the marriage of minors is the frequent disagreements between husband and wife so that the husband does not feel at home at home and also the absence of the husband's work during the COVID-19 pandemic so that basic household needs are not fulfilled every day. The solution to this problem is to provide counseling about marriage laws and child protection laws. So that it can provide an understanding of the impact of child marriage.

Keywords: Child Marriage, Covid-19 Pandemic, PKM


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