
  • Dadan Herdiana Universitas Pamulang
  • Indra Syahrial
  • I Gusti Ayu Anita Lakshana


This Community Service was carried out in Cijantra Village, Pagedangan District, Tangerang Regency where the target PKM participants were residents of the community around Cijantra Village whose address was at Jl. Raya Cijantra Village, Cijantra Village, District. Pegedangan, Tangerang Regency, Banten Province. The problem that occurs in Cijantra Village is that disputes or problems often arise between residents and require a quick and complete resolution. This Community Service aims to provide understanding and solutions in solving community problems in everyday life. Mediation is an effective and efficient process in solving community problems because it is an effective and efficient process in solving community problems because the mediation process prioritizes deliberation and consensus that allows a good solution for the parties (win-win solution). This Community Service is carried out in order to fulfill the obligations of the Tri Dharma College of Pamulang University lecturers and students. This community service is carried out by the PKM Team for the S1 Law Study Program, the Faculty of Law, Pamulang University which consists of Lecturers and Students of the Law Faculty, Pamulang University. The counseling theme taken in this PKM activity is about the importance of mediation inside and outside the court in the context of solving community problems. This counseling will socialize Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2016 concerning Mediation. After this Community Service activity, the people of Cijantra Village understand more about the importance of mediation with the spirit of deliberation and consensus in solving all problems that exist in the community in the Social Loyalty Journal and will be published on online media.

Keywords: Community Service, Mediation, Pamulang University.


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