
  • Anah Furyanah Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas
  • Siti Alfiah
  • Jannudin Jannudin


The number of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia as of September 2021 reached 64.2 million by contributing around 61.07 percent of GDP and being able to absorb 97% of the total workforce, and able to collect 60.42% of the workforce. total investment in Indonesia. This indicates that MSMEs have great potential to be developed, besides that MSMEs also have Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Indonesia, opening up opportunities to empower family finances, opening up business opportunities and absorbing labor which can ultimately improve the economy in Indonesia. However, MSMEs in Indonesia, especially for micro and small enterprises (UMK) still experience limitations in access to resources, one of which is the ability to produce on a large scale so that maximum assistance is needed to be able to increase development. Especially to continue to survive during the Covid-19 pandemic which has been running for more than 2 years. Mrs. Imah's cassava chips business is a home industry that still

survives to this day even though with Covid-19, production has decreased by up to 50% during the Covid 19 pandemic. Due to the above conditions, the Unpam Management Study Program Lecturer intends to do community service ( PKM) at Bu Imah's Cassava Chips business location in the village of Pengasinan Gunung Sindur, Bogor. The purpose of community service that is being carried out at this time is to provide training and assistance on the packaging of cassava chips in order to attract buyers. The method used in this activity is the survey method and goes directly to the field to conduct and conduct questions and answers with participants. What is expected by providing this training and socialization is to be able to increase sales with attractive packaging. The outputs that will be produced are in the form of videos and journals.


Keywords: Packaging, Consumer, UMKM Chips


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