
  • Royani Chairiyah Dosen Kebidanan Universitas Binawan


Constipation is a state characterized by a change in the consistency of feces to hard, large size, a decrease in frequency or difficulty of defecation. Constipation is often characterized by anxious symptoms when defecation due to pain during bowel movements. Constipation can cause severe stress for sufferers due to the discomfort of constipation if not addressed immediately, haemoroid can occur. Some of the factors that affect the process of defecation / defecation include: diet or nutritional patterns, for example inadequate fiber intake, dehydration, medications, diseases,  The problem faced by pregnant women is due to an increase in the hormone progesterone which causes muscle relaxation so that the intestines are less efficient, coupled with the suppression of the uterus that is enlarged in the abdominal area, in addition to the consumption of iron / calcium supplements that are not absorbed properly by the body. Preventive measures that can be taken are to consume high-fiber foods, one of which is papaya and drink lots of water, especially when the stomach is full. Consuming papaya when the stomach feels full can stimulate peristatic motion, if the mother has experienced the urge, then immediately defecate so that constipation does not occur. For this reason, this community service activity is aimed at pregnant women who are in the Binawan University environment. The purpose of this activity is to convey information to pregnant women about the importance of understanding the impact of constipation, the benefits of physical activity and fiber consumption through focus group discussions with question and answer lectures.

Keywords: Fiber consumption, Physical Activity, constipation of pregnant women.



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