Problematika Fungsi Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja di Kota Tangerang Selatan dalam Menjalankan Tugas Penertiban Bangunan
Role, Satpol PP, Supervision and Control of Buildings, Enforcement, PerdaAbstract
Regional apparatus in maintaining peace and public order and enforcing regional regulations is the task of the regional apparatus, namely the civil service police unit (Satpol PP). In order to enforce local regulations, there must be someone who implements them in the field, namely the local government. In this case the authority is exercised by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP). There are so many roles of Satpol contained in Regional Regulations related to their main tasks, this research focuses on aspects of research that examines the extent to which Satpol PP is carrying out its duties to enforce regulations on buildings that do not have permits, so that we can know what will have an impact on what and how. overcome obstacles that arise in the field. A good perception must be built to support a more effective regional income by maximizing local taxes from permits for building construction. The task of the Satpol PP is very clear, so there needs to be a real implementation from various stakeholders. The method that will be used is a juridical empirical research method and primary data sources by conducting interviews, the analysis used is descriptive qualitative by looking at aspects of elaboration and in-depth analysis of the data obtained.
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