Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Akibat Wanprestasi dalam E-Commerce Ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen


  • Imma Rahmani Hasanah Universitas Pamulang



Agreement, Electronic Transaction, Default


An agreement is an event where a person promises to another person or where two people promise each other to carry out an agreement. An agreement is a legal relationship regarding property between two parties, in which a party promises or is deemed to have promised to do something.  This research is entitled Legal Protection for Consumers   Due   to   Default   in   Precious   Metal   Electronic Transactions in terms of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The purpose of this study is to find out how to

protect consumers in electronic transactions in the event of a default. This study uses empirical or field research methods and is supported by primary data sources as a literature review including Law Number 8 of 1999  concerning Consumer Protection. In this study, a field approach was applied by means of  interviews and observations of the parties involved in the transaction. The provisions that protect consumer rights in these laws and regulations have not been properly utilized by consumers who experience default.
With the development of the internet at this time, a virtual trading system has been built. E-Commerce or electronic commerce are all forms of trade transactions of goods or services that use internet intermediary media. With online or electronic shopping, it makes it easier for many parties in terms of transactions. However, there  are  still  many  people  who  want  to  act  dishonestly  around  us.  So  that Indonesian law also prepares laws to ensnare perpetrators of fraud in electronic transactions (e-commerce). This study concludes that electronic transactions must still refer to the law as a guide in applying the rule of law, and the parties carrying out these activities must be responsible and if there is a default in the transaction activity, it must be resolved without harming the other party.


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Saiful Anam & Patners,

