Pemberdayaan Penyandang Disabilitas dalam Proses Pembangunan di Indonesia di Tinjau dari Perspektif Perundang-undangan
Persons with Disabilities, protection for the community, stigmaAbstract
The enactment of Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities has been going on for four years, but the involvement of persons with disabilities in community life and the development process in Indonesia has not been optimal. In general, development is a continuous process of change towards a better state based on certain principles. The failure to involve persons with disabilities in the development process stems from the stigma of society and the government towards persons with disabilities. Lack of socialization of understanding regarding equality of rights and legal protection for the community, resulting in a lot of stigma from the general public towards persons with disabilities, which results in persons with disabilities being unable to participate in the development process. The government should provide access to Persons with Disabilities in order to channel their aspirations and participate in the development process.
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Petra W. B. Prakosa, Jurnal Psikologi Volume 32, No. 2, 61-73 Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada ISSN: 0215-8884 61 “Dimensi Sosial Disabilitas Mental di Komunitas Semin, Yogyakarta. Sebuah Pendekatan Representasi Sosialâ€, Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Widya Dharma – Klaten
The Conversation, “6 Penghalang keterlibatan penyandang disabilitas dalam proses pembangunanâ€, diakses dari penghalang-keterlibatan-penyandang-disabilitas-dalam-proses-pembangunan-108176, tanggal 24 Agustus 2020 Jam 22:45. masyarakat-tentang disabilitas/#:~:text=Pandangan%20masyarakat%20terhadap%20kaum%20disabilitas%20juga%20dibedakan%20menjadi%20dua%20model,lah%20yang%20dianggap%20sebagai%20masalahnya.&text=Perlu%20diingat%20bahwa%20keberadaan%20kaum%20disabilitas%20itu%20pasti%20ada%20dalam%20sebuah%20negara. Diunduh pada 27 agustus 2020 pukul 21:30