Author's Guide

  1. The manuscript submitted for publication in the Journal Disrupsi Bisnis is in the form of research and community service results that utilize science and technology. The manuscript has never been published or is not being submitted for publication in other journals or proceedings.
  2. The title should be written in Times New Roman font size 14pt Bold. The author's name is written in size 10 pt Bold. The author's instance is written in a regular 12pt size. Email addresses are written in size 10 pt italic.
  3. The title and author must be in a single-column format and center-aligned. The author's writing must not indicate the name of the position (example: Supervisor), academic title (example: Dr) or membership of any professional organization (example: IEEE Senior Member). Abstract is made as a brief summary of the entire content of the article presented in one paragraph between 200-500 words. Abstracts are written clearly, concisely and use effective sentences. The abstract should be able to help the reader understand the important points of the article, so as to give a clear overview of the content of the article. Abstract writing consists of four main points arranged sequentially. The first point of the abstract explains the main objectives and research problems discussed. The second point describes the research methods discussed in general. The third point describes the main findings or results of the analysis made. The fourth point briefly describes the interpretation of the results and conclusions of the study. Abstracts are not allowed to explain the background extensively, contain quotations, contain abbreviations or terms that are not generally known, contain statistical figures, tables, figures or references to the table / figure.
  4. Abstracts are also not allowed to present information that is not discussed in the article, as well as define a term. Abstracts are presented both in Indonesian and English.
  5. The content of the article is written in Indonesian taking into account the rules of the language used, the article presented between 3500-7000 words, The content of the writing article must be in a two-column format with a width of 73.8mm (2.9"), single space 1, add one space for each between sections (between title and author, between author and abstract, between abstract and keywords, between sub-chapters and content).
  6. The content of the manuscript consists of Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Closing, and Bibliography. Each section is not allowed to have subtitles with numbering numbers 1, 2, etc.
  7. The content of the manuscript consists of Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Closing, and Bibliography. Each section is not allowed to have subtitles with numbering numbers 1, 2, etc.
  8. The introduction must be able to explain the rationality of the research, so that it can be justified why this research is important for the field of Economics. The introduction contains a minimum of research background, objectives and benefits of research.
  9. Literature review discusses the review of journals, articles, books and other relevant sources. If necessary, the formulation of hypotheses is presented in this section. The hypothesis formulated must be based on adequate logic and supported by the results of previous research.
  10. Research Methods explain explicitly about how research is carried out In the method section contains at least the stages of study used to solve research problems including data analysis used.
  11. The results and discussion directly present the data and results obtained from the research. Illustrations of research results can be in the form of graphs / tables / figures that are given enough information so that they are easy to understand.
  12. Concluding briefly concludes the results and discussion of the research. This section also explains the implications of the results, research limitations and recommendations for future research development.
  13. If you have acknowledgements about research assistance/organizations/persons can be submitted in this section (Optional), with Font Size 12 and Times new roman typeface.
  14. Bibliography Recommended using the Reference Manager with Font Size 12 and the font Book Antiqua, via APA Style. Footnotes are not allowed.