
  • Su-hie Ting Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • Saiful Bahari Mohd Yusoff Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • Nancy Kissam Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • Wan Jamarul Imran Wan Abdullah Thani Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • Noorhaslina Senin




creative arts, exegesis, thesis, research higher degrees, intellectual property


Writing creative arts theses based on a social sciences model does not allow documentation of the creative process. The study examined content structuring of creative arts theses. The specific objectives were to examine creative arts lecturers’ views on students’ problems in thesis writing, analyse the content structuring of creative arts theses, and formulate a conceptual model of the content structure of the exegesis to accompany creative work. The study involved analysis of theses writing guidelines and the content of research methodology courses in two Malaysian universities offering creative arts academic programmes. The results showed recommendations on the conventional social science thesis structure with some space for the design processes. In addition, the analysis of 11 creative arts theses revealed confusion on the content structuring and student weaknesses in amassing research findings to contextualise the creative work. Based on the results, a conceptul model of creative arts exegesis with separate chapters for “Proposed final product and human factor issues†and “intellectual property documentation†was formulated and validated by creative arts lecturers. The exegesis model which builds in design processes and research processes would resolve issues on unclear expectations in creative arts students theses and elevate the significance of the creative work.


Author Biography

Su-hie Ting, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Associate Professor Dr Ting Su Hie teaches research methodology at the Faculty of Language and Communication, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. She holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Queensland, Australia.


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