Maksimasi Produk Avtur Dengan Pengaturan Cutting Point Di Kolom Fraksinasi Unit Hydrocracking Complex


  • Zami Furqon Akamigas
  • Rediansyah Tito Bisono Akamigas
  • Sinung Bayu Nugroho Akamigas



Average Boiling Point, Cutting Point, Fractionation, Hydrocracking, Kerosene


Fractionator in the HCC Unit, is a type of atmospheric distillation process that processes types of oil from various sources such as HVGO and HCGO at the HCC Unit to obtain products in the form of LPG, light naphtha, heavy naphtha, Light Kerosene, Heavy Kerosene, diesel and Net Bottom Fractionation. Changes in Cutting Point on Heavy
Kerosene products will have an impact on changes in Heavy Kerosene yield and operating conditions on the fractionation column, namely the Heavy Kerosene draw tray. A decrease in the Cutting Point between Heavy Kerosene and Diesel by 5 °F can increase the yield of Heavy Kerosene products to reach 0.78% volume on crude or 1.57 m³/hour. That is, the temperature of the Heavy Kerosene draw tray is 224°C. This is done in order to reduce
the cutting point temperature of Heavy Kerosene which can increase the yield of Heavy Kerosene products.

Author Biography

Zami Furqon, Akamigas

Nama saya : Zami Furqon

Staff Pengajar di Politeknik Energi Dan Mineral Akamigas


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How to Cite

Furqon, Z., Bisono, R. T., & Nugroho, S. B. (2021). Maksimasi Produk Avtur Dengan Pengaturan Cutting Point Di Kolom Fraksinasi Unit Hydrocracking Complex. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Kimia, 5(2), 92–103.