Penetapan Kadar Fe Gluconate dengan Metode Fe Fumarate Secara Spektrofotometri UV-Vis


  • Rhahmasari Ismet Universitas Pamulang
  • Bella Kavalena Raeis Universitas Pamulang
  • Sriwulan Sriwulan Universitas Pamulang



Fe Gluconate, Fe Gluconate level, Iron, spectrophotometry, validation method of analysis


The human frame requires macroelements and microelements. The system of blood formation is the synthesis of hemoglobin. Iron is a totally crucial microelement and is needed by using the body. one of the iron dietary supplements that may be consumed to save you and deal with iron deficiency is Ferrous Gluconate. Ferrous Fumarate and Ferrous Gluconate have the same function, but there are variations in the analytical method of assay. The purpose of this observation is to validate the method for figuring out the concentration of Fe Gluconate compounds in drug samples, while the approach used is UV-Vis spectrophotometry. approach validation turned into achieved earlier than assaying the pattern. Parameters within the validation technique used include specificity, device suitability, linearity, accuracy, precision, and LOD and LOQ. The consequences of the validation of the analytical approach showed precise results with the RSD acquisition of all test parameters acquired via a fee of < 2%. The values for the quantitation restrict (LOQ) and detection limit (LOD) additionally showed precise consequences, the LOD acquired became 6.920 ppm and the LOQ received changed to 23.067 ppm. in step with the meals and Drug management in 2001, the outcomes of the validation of the analytical approach on this study have met the standards and specifications, because numerous test indicators have met them. so that this method can be utilized in determining the levels of Fe Gluconate. dedication of Fe Gluconate degrees in drug samples obtained consequences with a median cost of 99.770%.



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How to Cite

Ismet, R., Raeis, B. K., & Sriwulan, S. (2022). Penetapan Kadar Fe Gluconate dengan Metode Fe Fumarate Secara Spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Kimia, 6(1), 39–47.