Marriage confirmation, unregistered marriage, Religious Court.Abstract
Marriage is a sunnah worship that aims to legitimize the relationship between a man and a woman honorably, in accordance with human dignity as noble creatures. In its implementation, marriage must be carried out before a Marriage Registrar Officer in order to have legal force. If the marriage is carried out without official supervision, such as in the case of unregistered marriage, then the marriage is not legally registered. In Indonesia, couples who have married unregistered can file for itsbat nikah (marriage determination) in court as a legal solution. Unregistered marriages, although recognized by religion, are often not recorded in the state administration system. This can trigger various legal and administrative problems, especially those related to the fulfillment of the rights of couples and children. As a solution, the ratification of unregistered marriages can be carried out through the itsbat nikah process at the Religious Court. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a normative legal approach to examine the phenomenon in depth. This method aims to understand social and legal realities based on scientific characteristics. The study in this journal focuses on the analysis of the legal status of itsbat nikah, the development of the itsbat nikah system in the context of unregistered marriage, and the identification of relevant challenges and solutions to increase the effectiveness of the unregistered marriage ratification process in Indonesia.
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