Pemasaran UMKM Pada Platform Online Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus : UMKM Warung Omahe)


  • Rahmida Rahmida Universitas Pamulang
  • Klarisa Deo Saputri Universitas Pamulang
  • Sham Mahesa Fauzi Universitas Pamulang


In the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, small, micro, and ultramicrobial business groups are most vulnerable to being affected. Food businesses that bear the heaviest impact due to the pandemic are mainly caused because not all business owners are familiar with marketing using online platforms. This pandemic forces business owners to switch marketing strategies, promotions and transactions from conventional to digital. This research aims to help small businesses, especially MSMEs Warung Omahe to be able to answer marketing challenges during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research with participatory observations. The results of the study were the creation of logos, stickers, google accounts, WhatsApp Business accounts, Instagram and Gofood accounts. The hope is that Warung Omahe business owners can increase their sales during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Social Media, UMKM, Pandemic, Marketing, Covid-19


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