Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): HUMANIS (Humanities, Management and Science Proceedings)
Humanities, Management and Science Proceedings
Published: 2023-12-13


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HUMANIS (Humanities, Management and Science Proceedings) was first published in 2020 with SK Print No.SK no. 0005.27462250/K.4/SK.ISSN/2020.10 (14 October 2020)  (starting edition Volume 1 Nomor 1, November 2020) on November, 2020 and SK Online No. SK no.0005.27464482 /SK.ISSN/2020.10 -27 Oktober 2020  (starting edition Vol.1, No.1, November 2020),

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HUMANIS (Humanities, Management and Science Proceedings) publish articles selected under the License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , We invite articles in the scope and scope of our contact; e-mail ;