Museum Marketing Strategy Analysis to Survive The Covid-19 Pandemic (Case study of the Chinese Peranakan Library Museum/MPPT)
This study aims to analyze the strategy carried out by the Chinese Peranakan Pustaka Museum so that it can continue to run during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of this pandemic, many museums are closed in the sense that they are not active. During the physical closure of the Chinese Peranakan Pustaka Museum, it continued to gain popularity and an active response from the public. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach to the type of explanation to identify the strategies used by MPPT. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by in-depth interviews with the owner of the Chinese Peranakan Pustaka Museum, literature study of publication media about this museum, and direct observation to the location. The results showed that the Chinese Peranakan Pustaka Museum implemented a Marketing Communication Strategy through the use of social media communications and virtual events.
Keywords:Museum Strategy; Pandemic Period; Marketing Communication Strategy; Chinese Peranakan Library MuseumReferences
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