Market Survey of Utilization Durian Skin Waste into Economic Value Fiber Sheets
Durian from Medan is well known throughout the archipelago. The tourists who visit Medan will always look for Durian to be able to enjoy its deliciousness. According to research from the Central Statistics Agency in 2014 - 2021, North Sumatra is the largest producer of durian fruit in Indonesia; the average durian production in North Sumatra is 1195,308 tons. Durian that we enjoy is only the flesh while the skin will become garbage. Annually, North Sumatra produces 332,712 tons of durian skin. If the durian skin is left alone, it will accumulate and can cause problems for the environment. The durian skin can be processed into fibers that have economic value. This study aimed to obtain suggestions on processing durian skin waste into environmentally friendly products with monetary value. The method used is Green Manufacturing to minimize the impact of waste and see if the product is environmentally friendly. From the results of the study that utilizing the durian skin is by processing it into a fiber. This durian skin fiber will be used as a substitute for cloth or leather for making bags. The fiber from durian skin waste can reduce the amount of durian skin waste that can damage the environment and become an entrepreneurial opportunity for the community.
Keywords: Strategic Management, Durian Skin Waste, Market survey, Environmentally Friendly
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