The Role Analysis of Salesmen in Building Service Excellence to Customers at PT Garuda Teknik Indonesia


  • Sapto Hadi Imambachri Universitas Pamulang
  • Desilia Purnama Dewi Universitas Pamulang
  • Deni Darmawan Universitas Pamulang


PT Garuda Teknik Indonesia is a distributor of Georg Fisher, a company headquartered in Switzerland that manufactures piping systems made of plastic and metal as well as solid and hollow bars for machines used for water and gas transportation in industry, utilities and buildings. The author is interested in conducting research on "The Role of Salesmen in Building Service Excellence at PT Garuda Teknik Indonesia, considering that Indonesia has a large market and has a fierce level of competition from many similar companies operating in Indonesia, therefore to be able to compete in the market, service Excellence practices are needed in all aspects of the sales process. In this Qualitative research the author used the observation method, and conducted several interviews with customers, besides that the author was also involved in the negotiation process, receiving orders and final delivery of goods, so that feedback from customers and the process from the beginning of the sale to the final delivery of the products can be clearly observed. several constraints were found, such as when consumers buy products in very large quantities and demand fast delivery times, the stock was not sufficient to supply the order, so PT Garuda Teknik had to send some of its products from  the factory in Malaysia and the delivery  from Malaysia to Indonesia takes at least 2 weeks, on the other hand consumers demand that the company should send in a short time. in addition, the increasing number of competitors, such as distributors from China, who offer lower product prices than those offered by PT Garuda Teknik could be a threat to the company's existence considering that many consumers prefer to buy products at low prices. Facing all existing obstacles, PT Garuda Teknik always emphasizes on excellent service and good product quality.

Keywords: Sales, Service Excellence, Distributor


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